Vinnustofa í franskri málfræði og stafsetningu – Haustönn 2019 – Fimmtudaga kl. 18:00 – 19:30

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Talnámskeið og talþjálfun – Haustönn 2019 – Miðvikudaga kl. 17:00 – 18:00

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Talnámskeið og talþjálfun – Haustönn 2019 – Miðvikudaga kl. 12:00 – 13:00

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Talnámskeið og talþjálfun – Haustönn 2019 – Þriðjudaga kl. 12:00 – 13:00

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Eins dags frönskunámskeið – laugardagur 25. maí 2019

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Nokkrar myndir af hátíð franskrar tungu 2019

Alliance Française í Reykjavík bauð upp frá 14. mars til 4. apríl á marga og ýmislega viðburði í tilefni að hátíð franskrar tungu 2019: listasýningu, tónleika, ljóðastund, heimspekikvöld, kynningu af orðabókinni Lexíu, sýningar bíómynda o.s.frv. Fyrir neðan eru nokkrar myndir af þessum viðburðum. Fimmtudagur 14. mars Substantial Community eftir Nina Fradet Miðvikudagur 20. mars Chez nous…

Vinnustofa í franskri stafsetningu – Sumarönn 2019 – Þriðjudaga kl. 18:00 – 19:00

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Upprifjun A1 – Sumarönn 2019 – á morgnana tvisvar í viku kl. 10:00 – 11:30

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.