„Décolonisations - La fracture 1931-1954“

Alliance Française í Reykjavík, í samstarfi við IF Cinéma býður upp á sýningu heimildarmyndarinnar „Décolonisations – La fracture 1931-1954“ með enskum texta (80 mín).


The split (1931-1954): In the 1930s, when the French colonial empire was at its height, the first demands for independence began to make themselves heard, but France remained deaf to all the protests. Senegal, Indochina, Madagascar, Algeria, Morocco, Côte d’Ivoire – France did everything possible to preserve its colonies. But in vain.

Eftir sýninguna verður í boði umræða á frönsku um myndina.


Madeleine Boucher

  • föstudagur 30. september 2022
  • kl. 19:30
  • 1.900 kr.