​A2.1 (F3) – Vetrarönn 2020 – 2 klst. í hverri viku

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

​A1.2 (F2) – Vetrarönn 2020 – fimmtudaga kl. 18:00 – 20:00

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

​A1.2 (F2) – Vetrarönn 2020 – mánudaga og miðvikudaga kl. 18:00 – 19:30

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

​A1.1 (F1) – Vetrarönn 2020 – fimmtudaga kl. 18:00 – 20:00

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

​ A1.1 (F1) – Vetrarönn 2020 – á morgnana fyrir vaktavinnu kl. 10:00 – 11:30

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

​A1.1 (F1) – Vetrarönn 2020 – mánudaga og miðvikudaga kl. 18:00 – 19:30

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Dilili í París – Michel Ocelot

Dilili í París eftir Michel Ocelot Teiknimynd með íslenskum texta. 2018, 95 mín. með Enzo Ratsito, Natalie Dessay, Elisabeth Duda. Dilili, ung telpa frá Melanesíu sem býr í París, og ungur sendill, beita sér fyrir rannsókn á dularfullum stúlknaránum á fyrstu árum 20. aldar. Þeim til aðstoðar er hópur úrvalsfólks sem gefur ýmsar vísbendingar. „Michel…

Tvö sjálf – Cédric Klapisch

Tvö sjálf eftir Cédric Klapisch Gamanmynd, Rómantík með enskum texta. 2019, 110 mín. Leikarar: François Civil, Ana Girardot, Eye Haïdara, François Berléand. Myndin fjallar um ungt fólk í París, tvær sálir sem ná kannski að lokum saman? Þarf maður ekki að elska sjálfan sig, áður en maður getur elskað einhvern annan? Rómantísk og dramatísk gamanmynd…