
Contemporary design projects enter in a dialogue with pieces from the Points of View exhibition at The Culture House.
This mirroring between design and a spectrum of artistic forms from archive drawings to photography enlightens deep trends in Icelandic culture, such as the mapping of nature and the creativity emerging from limited resources.
With works from designers Thomas Pausz & Gardar Eyolfsson.

Samtímahönnun verður stillt upp í einskonar „samræðu“ við sýningargripi á sýningunni Sjónarhorn í Safnahúsinu. Slík speglum á hönnun andspænis margvíslegum listaverkum, er spanna allt frá teikningum úr skjalasöfnum til ljósmynda, afhjúpar djúpstæða tilhneigingu í íslenskri menningu er lýtur að kortlagningu náttúrunnar og þeim sköpunarkrafti er þar brýst út þrátt fyrir mjög takmarkaðan efnivið. Verkin eru eftir Thomas Pausz og Garðar Eyjólfsson.



It is free of charge on DesignMarch in the Safnahús – no entrance fee.

Opening hours:
10.03 10:00-17:00
11.03 10:00-17:00
12.03 10:00-17:00
13.03 10:00-17:00



Thomas Pausz (France / Iceland)
Thomas is a critical designer who documents real and speculative production scenarios and their impact on localities. The relationships between materials processes and social change form the core of Thomas pausz Studio approach. This transdisciplinary approach to design is communicated through exhibitions, publications and curatorial work.

Gardar Eyolfsson (Iceland)
Gardar is aproduct designer and design lecturer based in Reykjavik. Gardar approaches his work through context, material and process, with an emphasis on energy and transformation. Gardar thinks of objects in terms of material cycles and finds poetic relationships between materials, function and human rituals. He is currently the director of Studies, Product Design at the Iceland Academy of The Arts.